5 Smooth Stones

End Times Prophecy Revealed Part 4



     **** ADVANCED SPIRITUAL WARFARE & THE WORLD BEHIND EVERYTHING **** A topic in the series of "End Times Prophecy Revealed P4." Human Family we must look at the realm of absolute power. The two kingdoms are:  The kingdom of Satan, darkness & spiritual wickedness in high places. Which deploys fallen evil spirits (sometimes familiar) in those possessed or oppressed of demons with tools of lies, deception, and ignorance to kill,still and destroy, etc... The other side the kingdom of Christ, light and spiritual laws that can't be broken. Which deploys angelic beings, holy spirit filled humans using gifts of the holy spirit, advancing truth, etc... Our guest are witnesses of spiritual warfare and have constantly engaged in it for years. In this "End-time Prophetic" series we discuss topics from a Hebrew Israelite perspective such as: New World Order, Vatican secrets, Population Control, Eugenics,  Financial slavery, Luciferian thought in society, Vaccinations for genocide, Mark of the Beast, Mystery