T&a Talk Sex

The Best Way to Pee, Poop, Give Birth & Get Back to Great Sex After Birth! Ep138



Ep. 138, What is a pelvic floor therapist? There's a whole doctor dedicated to my vagina? Sara Chan Reardon, a women's pelvic health therapist chats with T and the hilarious and smart guest host, Lora Somoza, from the podcast Between the Sheets with Lora Somoza, about how we can all benefit from pelvic muscle relaxation, and all the things that could be causing you trouble down there without you even knowing about it! We also get into the challenges that come up after child birth, and how to remedy those issues ...which could be the reason you or your partner doesn't want to have sex post-babies!  It's a fun episode full of great facts & recommeded info! Also don't forget to check out our sponsors' skin care & acne treatment, BIOCLARITY, and use our code TATALKSEX (T's been using all month, and loves it!)