T&a Talk Sex

How Gender Imbalance Hurts Your Work Environment w/Lisa Marie Jenkins, Ep.68



In all this talk about gender equaity in the workplace, T&A tackle the deeper equality issue of approaching work and success with feminine qualities versus masculine, and how both men and women can benefit from ditching their old paradigms and finding a new way of approaching success.  The girls talk with Lisa Marie Jenkins, professional coach, speaker, & author of 'WAKE UP, BEAUTY! It's Not About the Prince' on how exactly we can go about this,  why it's so important and how this affects our male/female relationships. Show Notes Historically, men were protectors and providers; women were compassionate nurturers. Both sexes were playing very specific roles (11:40) The 70’s moved women into the angry, bra burning stage which was necessary to get the ball rolling but that is NOT what feminism is about (11:51) The year 1985 is a benchmark-that’s the year when women started earning 50% of all college degrees (12:12)  Today, we earn 60-65% of all degrees, Bachelors and Masters’ combined and we’ve been