Peerview Heart Lung & Blood Cme/cne/cpe Audio Podcast

Leora Horn, MD, MSc, FRCPC - The Present and Future of Immunotherapy as a Key Component of the Treatment Arsenal for Locally Advanced & Earlier Stages of Lung Cancer



Go online to to view the activity, download slides and practice aids, and complete the post-test to earn credit. Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy is the new standard of care for patients with stage III, unresectable NSCLC who have not had disease progression after concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Immunotherapy-based treatment approaches are also being explored in multiple clinical trials in neoadjuvant and adjuvant settings in earlier stages of lung cancer. What is the rationale for and the evidence supporting the use of immunotherapy in locally advanced and early-stage lung cancer? How can we optimally integrate checkpoint inhibitors in the context of multimodal therapy? What factors and nuances should be taken into account when using immunotherapy in the management of patients with stage III NSCLC? In this activity, based on a recent live symposium held in San Diego, California, a panel of experts discusses the answers to these questions in the context of the latest evidence and provides