What The Cluck!

Episode #16: 2019 MPF Convention and why you need to be there!



In episode #16 of What The Cluck! Podcast, host Steve Olson interviews MPF Events & Exhibits Manager Teresa Sorenson and long-time MPF attendee and current Minnesota Turkey Research & Promotion Council President, Kim Halvorson. Learn why the Midwest Poultry Federation Convention is a can't miss event as a poultry grower or processor! As a grower herself, Kim shares about the stellar education program and the value attendees receive from this continuing education, in addition to exploring the MPF exhibit halls and learning about the latest technology to bring back to your flocks and employees. Receive a behind-the-scenes look into the planning that goes into MPF, the maxed out exhibit halls, why Unhatched is a high energy event perfect to cap off your MPF experience, and the Student Careers Program from Teresa. Register today to attend at www.midwestpoultry.com.