Don Woods

D-Day Remembered and Respected.



.There as been blanket coverage of the D-Day landings on the certainly puts a lot of things into perspective and is hard to believe for those of a certain's hard to take in what these soldiers went through and when you see the loss of lives on both sides it seems such a terrible waste.....and how sad it is that some of the younger generation don't appreciate the sacrifices made. And we mustn't forget Mr.Bean impersonator Michael Gove who has admitted taking cocaine in the past....this is the geek who announced there is no place in schools for teachers who have taken drugs....and this is the fool who wants to be prime minister....he has obviously admitted this to avoid someone who knows him going to the would be funny if it wan't so tragic. What puzzles me is the way football is taken so seriously.....if you look on Facebook for example there are arguments which get personal and nasty about certain games....e.g. the European Cup or the Premiership title........there are