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Let Me Go Do it Like it’s Never Been Done! With The Orville’s J Lee



My guest is Orville's J Lee.  Orville's J Lee is an actor, writer, director, and musician. He’s been a part of numerous shows like The Family Guy and American Dad. He also helped to write and produce and do voices for The Cleveland Show. Most recently though he has been rocking it as Lieutenant Commander John LaMarr on Fox's hit show The Orville. You probably know it but if you don't, check it out, you'll love it. Plus he just wrapped up production on his own film, one that he wrote, directed, and produced, it's called Wednesdays, we're going to be talking about that as well. Listen To The Podcast: RESOURCES: Instagram: @jleefilm Twitter: @jleefilm The Orville on Fox TRANSCRIPT:  J's got this awesome story you're going to love. He moved to LA with about 200 bucks in his pocket, worked his butt off to make it happen. He's also proud of his St. Louis roots and if you follow him on Instagram, as you should, you will know that his battle cries are #dobetter and #dothework, so it just seemed right to finally