Lighted Paths Radio With Claire Papin

Manifesting 1 2 3 - Simple Steps to Transform Your World Through Your Thoughts



My guest, Ken Elliott, is the author of Manifesting 123 - an Amazing book that goes beyond the current knowledge of manifesting or the law of attraction. Ken offers a fresh perspective on how thought works and the role it plays in the non-physical world before appearing in your physical world. His method is simple with profound implications. Join us in a lively and passionate discussion as Ken shares his visionary process that he, and countless others, have successfully been using in the realm of manifesting. Besides being a prolific author and manifesting coach, Ken is an accomplished and gifted artist working in a variety of media. Many of his works are in numerous collections throughout the world. For more information about Ken visit To learn more about Lighted Paths Radio and Claire Papin please visit , and find me on Facebook at and Twitter at