Sherry Andrea Psychic Empath Show

Working With the Higher Self and Old Ways Versus New Ways



Join host Sherry Andrea, a higher self channeler and co-host/producer Robin Guyton when our topic will be"Working With the Higher Self and Old Ways Versus New Ways" and take callers for mini readings and comments related to the discussion. Call in during live show to (516) 418-5587. For Live Mini Psychic Readings please note: One (1) question per caller! Sherry Andrea's purpose in this incarnation is to help others along their spiritual path. Many are guided to her by Angels and Ascended Masters. She is a conscious higher self channel who is fully merged with my higher self, as well as a energy worker (and Reiki Master) with telekinesis, spiritual teacher, law of attraction coach and author. A higher level of divine truth is what comes through her. Testimonial: "Sherry is the most amazing calming spirit I have ever encountered. She has helped me over many hurdles and every time I talk to her i feel like i can over come my challenges. She gives real genuine advice and her readings are ALWAYS ON POINT. My hu