May We Help You?'s Radio Show

The Joan Henry Radio Show



The Joan Henry radio show is a fun forum for individuals who are interested in becoming an entrepreneur to connect with like-minded individuals, as well as entrepreneurs who are looking to take their business to another level to learn from other successful entrepreneurs in their respective fields. The show features guests who spoke on a variety of business-related topics such as: goal setting, recognize opportunities, Mindset, creative thinking, problem solving, planning and organizing, financial literacy, taxes, branding, marketing, etc.  The show also features guests from multi-level marketing, franchising, and other marketing concepts. Today's special guest is Shirley E. Crawford. Shirley was raised to believe that the American Dream was to have your own business and be in charge of your own destiny. Being raised as an entrepreneur earning not an allowance but a paycheck in her family’s business since she could tag along with her parents and siblings to the next job. She considers helping others accomplis