May We Help You?'s Radio Show

Spirit Journeys Radio Show with Rita Ricks



Uncorked and unafraid, Terricinia St. Clair is breaking free from the corporate world of business, sales, and interior design, to reinvent herself as a wine blogger and professional writer.  She currently hosts The Tipsy Sommerlier’s Life with Wine, a blog devoted to her affair with grapes.  However, this mother of a lone teenager is far more than a wine connoisseur, stretching her talents to include a new book, a dream career, and a vision to bless relationships using truth and humor.   In her debut novel, “Conversing with the Elephant – things our girlfriends don’t have the balls to tell us”.   She tackles tough issues affecting female friendships, including sex, sensitive secrets, handling men, petty squabbles, and more. This book highlights first steps towards resolving various issues women have and preventing them from becoming overblown.