May We Help You?'s Radio Show

Spirit Journeys Radio Show with Rita Ricks



Replay: Carol Denise Adams witnessed Domestic Violence in her home, growing up, and will share her story, her experience. Carol has worked in Law Enforcement for 23 years.  She serves as the Community Care Sergeant for the Community Youth Interventions Services Division.  She is a member of United Way Women’s Leadership Initiative, Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance and Women of Color Caucus, to name a few.  Being active in the community for over a decade, Carol has been recognized by several local and regional Associations.  In 2010, Verizon Wireless created the Carol Adams Hopeline Community Outreach and Prevention Program. Carol has taken what was bad, and has made it her life work to turn it into good. Sponsors:  MWHY Mag   TBAIMS     Rita Ricks     Off The Vine  Healthy Wealthy and Wise RVA Expo