3 Player Co-op

TPC Podcast, Episode 247 - TPC 247 The HUGE Q&A Spectacular



NOTE: we had audio issues with Susan's mic 1/2 way through the show, we fixed it as much as we could, but Susan may be lower in volume, it was the best we could do considering. We apologize. This week's TPC is a special all Q&A episode, we answer questions and comments from the community. Sit back and enjoy the show, we answer a ton of questions on a wide variety of topics. Thank you to everyone who submitted a question or 2, and thanks to Cecil from the GNA podcast for submitting what felt like 150 questions. For information about Stainsby's charity stream for MacMillian Cancer Support: To tune into the stream go to http://bit.ly/Stainsby To Donate go to http://bit.ly/skdonate1 For a Redbubble shirt (designed by Brian himself) go to http://bit.ly/tpcmghrb