Pure Soul Alchemy With Gabriella

Alchemy for Completing Projects



www.PureSoulAlchemy.com This show is a shamanic healing session to assist you in finishing projects you have started. Do you have multiple unfinished projects laying around your house (or on your computer) in varying stages of completion? If so, this session is for you. How many times have you started something only to get bored, frustrated and give up? But, then keep the undone project laying around in hopes that inspiration or magic will strike and you will pick it back up again.  Months, even years go by and it remains in its unfinished form, cluttering up your environment and even nagging you from across the room.   This session is a support for picking back up those projects IF they truly resonate with your inspiration . It's also a support for  you in becoming very clear whether or not you even really want to , and, if not, letting it go for good so you can invest your energy in something else which lights you up.   Before listening to this session, think about any partially completed projects you'