Pure Soul Alchemy With Gabriella

Healing From Hatred



To Learn more, visit www.PureSoulAlchemy.com This show is a shamanic healing session for the liberation from the trappings of Hatred. Hatred often arises when we feel like we have lost our power to another person. It is created and fed by deep unworthiness and an unconscious self perception of not being enough.   Whether you are experiencing hatred towards another person, towards yourself or are the recipient of someone else's projections of self hatred, you can expect to feel a lightening up of the confines of this very common pattern. In this session, we will bring in divine assistance to disengage from the strong pull of hatred thought-pattern cycling. **A special note - because strong feelings of hatred typically are unconscious, we are setting a special intention that all people we are even remotely connected to us, who could use this healing, receive it merely through being connected to us in some way. Those of us who listen to this will serve as broadcasters of this healing transmission to serve as