Reigners Radio

The Night Seasons Can Be A Battleground



As in all the above cases, don’t expect that you will see an instantaneous or reciprocal response from the Lord. But there is a guarantee that those who seek, and keep on seeking, find, and that for those who knock, and keep on knocking, the door will be opened. Let the Lord respond as He chooses; you just make yourself available. Can’t Sleep? If you find you can’t sleep, rather than trying to quiet your mind, or find something else to fill the time, like reading, watching TV, or cleaning the fridge, seize this prime opportunity to spend time with the Lord, turning your focus from yourself to His grace, and simply making yourself available in the sheer naked faith that He is already there waiting for you to wait for Him. A Word of Caution The reasons the Lord likes to visit us at night are also the reasons that make the night seasons an excellent time for demonic activities. When we are asleep we are most vulnerable to the enemy’s suggestions, and if he can get us to believe his lies at night we are more