Transcendental Transformation

Helping Parents Feed Their Children Primal Food



Transcendental Transformations is a radio show that helps people to transcend spirituality and transform their health. Co-hosts Melissa Binkley and Miss Raina are two inspiring, fascinating and awesome women that aspire to bring you the raw truth and bust open falsehoods. This week we are interviewing the magnificent Kathryn Kos.  Kathryn is a mama, nutrition blogger at, and a primal foodie.  She is also a Certified Breastfeeding Educator/Counselor and is currently a Breastfeeding Counselor through Breastfeeding USA.  She now studying to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.  She helps parents learn the best ways to feed their babies and children and also helps many people overcome autoimmune diseases.   In this episode Kathryn will be discussing primal diets and how it can make a difference in your overall health.  She will discuss the challenges parents face when feeing children and how to overcome these hurdles.  We will also discuss what ancestral eating is like and wha