Real Talk With Lee

Wild Out Wednesdays



Jeff Rasley is the author of seven books and has published numerous articles in academic and mainstream periodicals, including Newsweek, Chicago Magazine, ABA Journal, Family Law Review, American Athenaeum, Pacific Magazine, Indy’s Child, The Journal of Communal Societies, The Chrysalis Reader, Faith & Fitness Magazine, Friends Journal, and Real Travel Adventures International Magazine. He is an award-winning photographer and his pictures taken in the Himalayas and Caribbean and Pacific islands have been published in several journals. James Westly, MC, LPC, is a psychotherapist, consultant, speaker, and writer whose passion is the search for, the practice and dissemination of techniques that develop the Human Spirit. “You are not your mind. Your mind is something you have, a tool,” explains Westly. “It’s probably the most powerful tool we know of in the universe, but we don’t use it correctly. We ask it to do things it cannot do like predict the future  or produce original thought. Ask anyone who has