Real Talk With Lee

Wild-out Wednesdays



 Lynn Sandberg published a book called, Heaven on Earth: A Biblical Model for Parenting.  This teaching helps parents to guide their children to be healthy and thrive in every area of life.Lynn has taught this course for the last eight years to the men and women in her local jail.Lynn just  recently finished compiling this teaching material into a group study.  It is now available for groups all over the country to study. Dr. Jeff Blum began his professional career as a doctor of Chiropractic in 1985. Fast forward 15 years to an unfortunate wrist injury sustained on the basketball court and in a heartbeat his chiropractic career was over. Devastated and after much soul searching, the question "What are you truly passionate about?" was asked. Although the answer was clear, how he would earn a living as an unknown songwriter and magician with a wife, 3 young kids and a mortgage, was quite another story.   Leonardo Bustos believes he has the answer and is chasing a dream to make a difference. He’s recently be