Social Media Edge Radio

When To Unfollow, Disconnect and Block



Today's guests are Janet Fouts and Danny Brown. In fact after Ken came up with the topic for this week's show (actually weeks ago) both guests mentioned the need for disconnecting. Janet mentioned it in a Twitter chat and Danny made a pointed posting about it on Google+ which led to the invitation for each to join us. Let's call this episode "Disconnecting Gracefully". Everyone who has had any presence online for any time knows it can get messy. Businesses have them, people have them, Hollywood types have them, politicians certainly have them. We call them trolls. Some people seem to derive pleasure from bringing others misery. They agree with nothing, hate every service, find fault in every person, business and precept. Sooner or later they take it online and into the public and every comment is an accusation or endictment and every question is an inqisition. So what to do? There comes a time for personal and business when it's time to consider the option of disconnecting and denying that person further a