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Nov 13 Mobile. If you’re not ready you’re late out of the gate! -  iPhone total sales - 209,000,000 Android total sales - 375,000,000 Blackberry total sales - 118,000,000 Windows total sales - 78,000,000   The Galaxy SIII is now the hottest selling phone in the world. As it should be. No, I do not have one. Yet. 18,000,000 units shipped. iPhone 5 shipped 16,000,000 in the same time period.   Google’s Nexus 4 the best cell phone on the planet?  My wife has a Nexus 7 tablet and it’s pretty darned amazing. Better than my Motorola Xoom which also rocks.   Awesomeness for developers including mobile ones. I just completed my second data intensive app which uses the Google SQL cloud strangely named Google Cloud SQL.