Turkey Crossing

I need your help!!!



If you had one hour to convince your school district to allow you to use Classroom 2.0 tools what would you do? I have a meeting with the assistant superintendent in two weeks and have one hour to demonstrate to him that I should be allowed to use 2.0 tools. Since I am so new at this I don’t really have many student examples. My audience will have no prior knowledge of what a wiki is, probably has heard of a podcast and blog but never used or listened to one. The perception in my district is that the internet is full of predators that are coming to get us. I need help planning my presentation. How do I first overcome the fears? What would you do first, second, etc…I will be setting up my agenda on www.morecowbell.wikispaces.com . I will be starting to post some ideas there starting July 21, 2007. Please visit and leave me some suggestions, comments, stats to use, examples of student work, etc… I think it would be super if it could turn into a turnkey site for anyone in my shoes who is looking for h