Faith To Conquer Fear

Your Mental Game Plan for Success



Join Christy Demetrakis and her special guest Dré Cleveland for "Your Mental Game Plan for Success" Tuesday, November 24th at 6:30pm EST. About Dre Cleveland: Today, Dré Cleveland, Your Personal P.O.W.E.R. Coach, is a prolific speaker and success coach, and the founder of the premiere success coaching and empowerment club for forward-thinking urban entreprenuers and professionals like US who are ready to authentically and consciously create their businesses and their lives so they can be, do, and have any and everything they desire, called The Power Players Club®.  Dré is the author of God Is a Woman: 7 Keys to Self-Love and Empowerment for Women(aka Kioni Carter) and The Power Players Guide to Playing Powerfully in the Game of Life, The Power Players Guide to Playing Powerfully in the Game of Life for Kids, and fiction title, Love and Payne. Her dedication to the true transformation of her clients and her community is what got her the nickname "The Butterfly Queen." Now with over 10 years in the field o