Faith To Conquer Fear

Creating and Living the Life of your Dreams



Join Christy Demetrakis and her special guest, Neuroperformanceologist Scott Schmaren for "Creating and Living the Life of your Dreams" Tuesday, July 7th at 6:30pm EST. About Scott Schmaren: NeuroPerformanceologist Scott Schmaren is a nationally known speaker, coach and author. He has spent over 20 years learning powerful success technologies. He has used what he has learned and created to transform his life, losing 180 pounds and maintaining it while rediscovering his vitality. He has appeared on Oprah and is a regular guest on The Howard Stern Show. Oprah said, “If Scott can do it, I can do it and so can you!". Scott has also appeared on Fox News and Coast to Coast Radio. Scott’s techniques are being used to increase sales and business, for weight management, overcoming obstacles, achieving goals and many other great things. Athletes and sales professionals are using his systems to achieve consistent peak athletic and sales performance. Scott has also spoken for the women’s organization “Dress for Success