Faith To Conquer Fear

Protecting yourself from Negativity



Join Christy Demetrakis and her special guest Eileen Lichtenstein, MS.Ed for "Protecting yourself from Negativity" Tuesday, May 5th at 6:30pm EST.    About Eileen Lichtenstein, MS. Ed: Emotional Freedom Techniques-ADV Certified Practitioner Anger Management Specialist-1 Cert Balance and Power Expert Your Long Island & New York Life Coach Specializing in Executive Coaching Inner strength and being centered are keys to life and business success, and Eileen Lichtenstein has specialized for 20 years in personal development coaching and training, including stress reduction management, communicating effectively and career issues. She helps people to access the power already within to bring about the balance needed to achieve their goals. Balance brings power to the process of decision-making! With a background that includes innovative training, speaking, coaching and bio-feedback, she offers individuals and groups mind/body modalities and coaching strategies to facilitate success. She is based in Westbu