Faith To Conquer Fear

Training your mind for Career Performance



Join Christy Demetrakis and her special guest, Dr. Melissa Luke for "Training your mind for Career Performance." Dr. Luke will share how to create a positive mindset for career change leveraging a mental 45 day challenge. Dr. Melissa Luke is a published author and a professional speaker who trains minds in performance excellence. She holds a doctoral degree in management specializing in the reduction of white-collar crime and fraud. Dr. Luke’s thoughts on customer service, fraud detection/reduction, and the educational system have been seen or published on Fox News, Forbes, The Huffington Post, Salem Communications, Educational News, The Chief Learning Officer, Alister & Paine, BLR, The American Management Association, and many other nationwide media outlets. Melissa was co-founder and president of one of the first online trading floors in the United States, was a Revenue Officer for the U.S Treasury, worked as a Sr. Business Analyst for one of the largest consulting firms in North America, and has been