Business News Wales Podcasts

Ep 16 - Business Weekly From Business News Wales



In this week’s Podcast, we spoke a variety of business leaders across Wales including: Heather Myers from the South Wales Chamber encourages business to apply to become part of the Supply Chain for Hinkley Point. Monmouthshire Council have reported another surplus for the year of 2018/19. Councillor Phil Murphy joins us to tell us more. A recent survey by KPMG has looked into how businesses view digital transformation. We spoke to Director of IT advisory at KPMG, Derek Kay to find out more. The importance of a Social Media policy in the modern workplace is of critical importance in this digital era. Caryl Thomas of Cardiff Based HR Dept spoke to us on the subject. We spoke to David Elsmere of Superfast Business Wales who is encouraging Business to use their Digital support programme. Emelyne Burkhard of the Celtic English Academy spoek to us on why Wales should aim to attract more international students. BITC Cymru have held their 'Waste to Wealth' summit this week. We spoke to BITC Cymru Director, Matt Apple