Parkinsons Recovery

Q&A About the Aquas



Questions answered by Leonie Hibbert, a developer of the Aquas and asked by your host Robert Rodgers PhD, founder of Parkinsons Recovery: How do I know I am dehydrated? What are symptoms of dehydration?I drink water all the time but I am still thirsty all the time. Why is this?How can taking a few drops of Aquas every day help hydrate the body? Would it help to increase the number of drops I take every day? Isn't more better?How did you determine what ingredients to include in the bottles? If I am a man - can I take the female Aquas or vice versa?If someone is very ill, can they take the  Aquas and if so, how many drops should they take? What are the side effects of detoxing from getting better hydration?How do you know the Aquas work?How long does a bottle last? Why can't I solve the problem of dehydration by simply drinking more water?Why do so many people with Parkinson's symptoms take Aquas?  Will Aquas help people with diabetes?Why do you recommend a break of 2 days every week when taking the Aquas? Are