Visionaries In Light

bj King and Your Personal Responsibilities in the Shift



Marilyn, Joeaux, and Practical Mystic, bj King, share their experiences and understanding of what is happening in the Universe, today. Ask questions! Where are we, why are we? What in the world is going on here and what's each of our own personal responsibility? bj King -practical mystic, artist, writer, minster, teacher of creativity, spiritual life coach, president of Namaste, Inc. a non-profit spiritual education organization based out of Oklahoma City.  She works inter-dimensionally as a liaison between the Intergalactic Federation, the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Angelic realm, and Humanity. She produces the Namaste Newsletter and the Namaste Mystery School of Remembering and is the author of several books. Learn more about Marilyn and Joeaux at and their annual Visionaries in Light Convergence, this year in Hot Springs Village, Arkansas. You can receive reminders for our show by signing up here for Radio Show Reminders >