Visionaries In Light

Adironnda defines the Double Digit Master Numbers



Adironnda invites you to a LIVE Q&A - as Joeaux asks the question, "what is the true definition of the Master Numbers - - according to Adironnda?" The Double Digit  is a monthly webcast that Marilyn Harper was guided to produce in 2009. Now, going on it's 6th year - it provides a powerful, monthly activation or a Universal State of the Planet. Yet, Adironnda's definitions of the Master Numbers sometimes vary from other teachers on the planet: Doreen Virtue, and Drunvalo Melchizidek for example. Yet, their application of the Master Numbers to the monthly time continuum provides powerful answers to what is happening on the planet today. Tune in to hear what Adironnda has to say! Learn more about Marilyn and Adironnda, and Joeaux at and their annual Visionaries in Light Convergence, this year in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Like us on FaceBook: Adironnda - Infinite Possibilities & SoulOPreneur