Content Marketing Quickie

Content Marketing Quickie June 18 2019



Hey, it’s Stiles from Brand Content Studios and here’s your Content Marketing Quickie for the week of June 18, 2019.   -You lucky Instagram advertiser you. You not only got something new, you got something that allegedly is going to make everything better and everyone happier. And it all has to do with how you and influencers mercilessly use each other. In the next few weeks you’ll be able to do Paid Partnership ads. That’s what it will say right there on the ad, Paid Partnership, and your brand name will be there too. It’s all about ad transparency, right? You see after all this time creating content marketing so that the public won’t be able to tell the difference between content and an ad, the platforms are having to make it clearer which is which. But what’s good about this is it lets you incorporate your brand content into their Instagram ad strategy. According to Instagram’s numbers people, 68% of people go there to interact with creators, so now brands can use those digital artists in an advertising en