Behind The Breakthroughs

Autism and Red Lipstick



In this episode Dr. Annette Nunez and Maylene Johnson chat with a mother who describes her journey of raising her extraordinary son diagnosed with autism. She talks about both the highs and lows of her autism journey and how it led her to start writing her blog entitled, Autism and Red Lipstick.  She created this blog as a way to connect with other mothers on their journeys. Her blog is honest and real and can be dark at times but her pictures are vibrant and colorful and sends a message of hope to help inspire families.   Meet Andrea Andrade mother, blogger, advocate, and lover of red lipstick.  Andrea shares how she has lived and breathed autism for the past 17 years in order to help get her son to graduate highschool with his "typical" peers.  As an escape from the the difficult moments she would go to Sephora with her daughter everyweek and try on different lipsticks. For Andrea it was time for her to take a deep breathe and know that everything would be ok.  This form of self-care inspired her to write a