Pam Perry, Pr Coach

Straight Talk on book publishing and promotion from Pam Perry, PR Coach &Social Media Expert



If you've been "dipping your toe" in the water and have yet to really take the plunge to make a BIG splash with YOUR book, business or ministry - this show is for you! I want to give you FREE PR Coaching tips to help you get going! My last solo show was so successful - I decided to do it again with emphasis on Social Media Marketing & what to expect from a PR Coach. One of the biggest requests we get from people is, "Where do I start? And how can I get my book OUT THERE?" This show will answer those questions... and see more solutions at Ministry Marketing Solutions Products and Programs I'll be answering your burning questions live too - so call in or join the chat room! Look forward to helping you get on the "write" track. Let's CRUSH IT! Pam Perry, YOUR PR coach