Saints Unscripted

What is the Holy Ghost?



Ian talks about what it's like to be a kid in the Mormon church.   When Ian was 8 years old, he was baptized in the Mormon Church. He said that after a year, he finally learned about the Holy Ghost. Ian was almost severely injured in a car accident when he learned that the Holy Ghost protects people and brings peace.   Ian says that the gospel is a gospel of choices. He was never forced to go to Church or to live as a Mormon. He was taught by his parents about the blessings of the LDS Church but he wasn't forced to live the commandments. He decided on his own to read the Book of Mormon. When Ian read the Book of Mormon, he prayed about the Book of Mormon and knew that it was true, though at first he was scared that it might not be. But Ian said he felt so much light and happiness when he prayed that he could not deny that the Book of Mormon was true.  When Ian was 16 years old, he was watching the World Series in 2009 when his dad left to do an interview at a church building. Ian went