Saints Unscripted

Blacks and the Priesthood: Part 1



The LDS Church was restored during an era of intense racial discrimination. Christianity at large had all kinds of racial prejudices that would be deemed unacceptable today. Pastors advocated slavery, preachers would openly say, “black people will not be saved, “ etc. However, during the time of Christ, he advocated the acceptance of all people. Needless to say, there was lots of hypocrisy among Christians.     We need to understand that we don’t have to agree with everything the prophet says in regards to his own opinions. There is a difference between doctrine and opinion. Ian jokes that if everyone were to take Mormon opinion as doctrine, every Mormon would subscribe to the Glenn Beck show.  Kwaku talks about the ban that Brigham Young put on black people. The ban disallowed black people to go to the temple or hold the priesthood. (This doesn’t mean they couldn’t be baptized.) The ban was lifted in 1978.   No matter how we justify the ban, Elder Holland has said, “All I can sa