Dr. Arlene Barro

Don’t Quit Your Job: Fix the Fit



To listen live and speak with Dr Arlene call (347) 308-8200 On the WIN Without Competing! show Dr. Arlene will interview two of her clients who succeeded in Fixing the Fits in high stress work situations, which had made them physically sick.  The listeners will learn how to implement Dr. Arlene’s Right Fit Branding Strategies to significantly improve their work situation and environment to set the stage for career success in 2015. Dr. Arlene says, “You do not want to be one of the 30 million employees who walk out in 2014. Why?  You will be suddenly unemployed. Instead, figure out why your job is the Wrong Fit, perhaps, you can stay.” Dr. Arlene will ask her guests these questions:  Did you… 1. select a Wrong Fit position expecting it to be the Right Fit? 2. accept a Wrong Fit job unknowingly, not seeing the red flags? 3. accept a Wrong Fit job knowingly, without any commitment? 4. select a Right Fit position that turned sour? 5. pick the best job, which turned out to be the worst job? Understanding