Dr. Arlene Barro

On November 6th the Winner is...



“On November 6th the Winner is...” On WIN Without Competing!, Dr. Arlene talks about the Obama and Romney brands and how they have changed during a year-long job interview extraordinaire. On November 6th, Obama could be rehired or fired; Romney, unemployed, could become president! Predictions? Dr. Arlene wants you to win now. This last quarter of the year is the hiring and firing season and a great opportunity for a promotion. Searching for a new job? Think you might be downsized? Want a promotion? Dr. Arlene has the answers to these questions and more. Before the show, Dr. Arlene recommends that you think about the effectiveness of your brand in capturing a new position. To do that, listen to her radio show Rate Your Brand or use Dr. Arlene’s app iBrandU4Hire: Rate Your Brand Zero to Hire. Remember, if you don’t understand WHAT YOUR BRAND IS, you can’t sell it.