Healing Through Hurt I-talk Radio

HEALing THrough Hurt Welcomes Lynne Cockrum-Murphy, Ed.D



Her sisters died in the house fire Her sisters died in the house fire; the only reason she lived is her father carried her out first before running back in for her sisters where they all perished. Lynne Cockrum-Murphy was three years old and living in an idyllic family in Northern California. Raised by a mother whose life was shattered by the tragedy and today would be called a victim of PTSD. Cockrum-Murphy’s childhood was jolted again when her step-father died in a logging accident a few years later and culminates in the murder of her mother. The book "Living Hope Steps To Leaving Sufering Behind" follows Cockrum-Murphy’s life from those tragedies forward to today. Lynne is an intuitive consultant specializing in supporting her clients to achieve freedom from limiting beliefs, to change work and life conditions to a happier state, and to embrace an expanding sense of self and possibility. She uses ThetaHealing, Access Bars ®, channeling and counseling skills to support clients in all their personal goals.