Healing Through Hurt I-talk Radio

Stop Trading your CROWN for a CLOWN!



Too may men and women are trading in their crowns for clowns.  Ladies an insecure man will destroy all you have created just because he is not willing to work towards attaining his own kingdom; he is the male so he is the king of someone elses castle.  Gentlemen you are the king of your kingdom why crown a concubine?  There are those who are not willing to work for what they want so they will take what does not belong to them or they will destroy what they cannot have.  Just like a clown they come painted in interesting colors that appeal to some but as alway sit turns out they are full of games and jokes.  Do not give  your Empire to a Himpire; do not give your kingdom to a concubine.   Enough said Just My 2 Cents of Cerebral  C. Maria Wall