Garden Chat

The Garden Chat with Sandy Munro - 13 April 2019



Fine Music Radio — We strive for a more balanced life between work and play. You know, a bit of this, bit of that! Nothing in excess, all balanced with a good mix of everything. Nature seems to live happily with this formula so should we not apply this in our lives and extend it into the garden. No doubt about it….we should Sadly, we could be losing the plot in our gardens! We use plants that are not suited to our environment, we lean towards ornamental value only, with little thought given to other important characteristics. We don’t consider the long term maintenance hassles and we don’t even know their names or what they require to live a long and happy life. The answer is simple, know everything about that plant before putting it in the ground. FMR GARDEN CHAT SCRIPT - 13 April 2019.pdf — PDF (126.0 KB)