Body Of Christ Radio Network

Kings and Priests: ENCORE - The Modern Christian Church Mythology



Pantheon and the Birth of Christian Mythology Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades – These names once represented the most powerful and revered names in a Pantheon of innumerable Greek Gods and Goddesses. But with the arrival of the One True God the countless deities of the pagan world have all but disappeared, now relegated to the realm of myth and legend.  And while time has faded these legends, they have found a new and enduring home in the teaching of Christianity. In fact, many Christians of today would be alarmed to know just how many of the truths they accept as Biblical fact actually have “NO” basis in scripture. But if many of the Judeo Christian views of Heaven, Hell, life and death – even Good and Evil are based on the corrupt teachings of the pagan world - then how can we look to these teachings as a guide to salvation? Join us today for another installment of “From Darkness to Light” as we use the Biblical word of God and the teachings of our One True Lord Jesus Christ to cast down the Gods of Olympus Fore