Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Hello everyone, it's me, the Red Hawk, coming to you with a new spin, to my show.  I am a professional tarot and oracle card reader, and seeing as I love bringing you insight, wisdom, guidance, knowledge, encouragement, etc., by way of the cards, I figured, I'd do a show, specifically for that purpose, bringing you what you need, as opposed to what you may want.  Working on various, online platforms, I have to follow a certain criteria, and sometimes, that doesn't sit well with my soul, so I wanted to free up my spirit, to do as it naturally does, and that's allow the Universe to use me, as it sees fit, thus me being a willing, empty vessel, when I do my work.  The premise for this show, is for me to pull the cards, and bring you exactly what Universe has for you, and hopefully in the midst of me doing that, you also can get what you want, in the process.  So call in, give me your name, I'll pull your cards, and we'll go from there.  If you'd like a more indepth reading, where you can ask questions, please ma