Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

Breaking Through When You Think You Can’t!



Breaking Through with Mitch Matthews Welcome to episode 230 of DREAM THINK DO. This episode is a deep dive. Here's our focus, we're going to go after those areas where there is an inner voice that’s saying “I can’t.” Maybe one area for your brain knows you want to do something, but another area is saying “I can’t.” And you know those “I can't” are getting in the way of something BIG you’re wanting to do! Listen To The Podcast: TRANSCRIPT:  Maybe those “can't” are based on experiences. Maybe they’re based on setbacks, and maybe they’re just based on some fears, right? We're going to talk about a way to break through those “I can't.” Most of it is just going to involve a story of my puppy. How about that? We're going to focus in on a particular area because for us in the United States, I know we've got a dream, think, doers all around the world and I love you all, but specifically this week in the United States, it's 4th of July. Time to be with family, celebrate all of those things. It's great. I a