Em Pulse

Futurecasting Medical Education



How do we teach our medical students and residents to be doctors? Surprisingly, there is no agreed upon, standard approach. Dr. Aaron Danielson, fellowship trained medical educator at UC Davis, takes us through some of the common strategies that medical schools employ. He explains that, although many aspects of medical education have evolved over the past several decades, some things haven’t changed in the over one hundred years since the “Flexner Report”. Dr. Mike Gisondi, Vice Chair of Education for the Department of Emergency Medicine at Stanford, takes us through his vision of how medicine is likely to change over the next several decades, and how medical education will need to adapt to train the doctors of the future. How do you see medical education changing over the next 30 years? What new methods and concepts should we embrace, and what should be done away with? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Send us your comments and feedback on social media at @empulsepodcast, or on our website, ucdavisem.com.