Em Pulse

The Last Touchpoint



Dr. Matt Wetschler’s story represents the best and the worst of our healthcare system. Matt tells us about his near fatal injury, his miraculous recovery (thanks to modern medicine), and the complications with billing that plagued him for months after his accident. Matt’s story is one of several in the recent media highlighting the issue of “surprise billing”, and a subset of this issue referred to as “balance billing”. Drawing from his health policy background, Matt helps us understand balance billing and how patients are affected. Then, Dr. Tom Sugarman joins us to further explain the complexities of surprise billing. He shares how he and others are advocating at the national level to change the billing process, and offers some potential solutions going forward.  This is a hot button issue! Please remember that the opinions expressed in this podcast may not represent those of UC Davis or the University of California.  Have you had any experiences with surprise billing? As a health care provider, how d