Building Charleston

Episode 15 - Jason Rochon & Jonathan Peavey from Beacon Bank



The Building Charleston podcast takes a moment each week to meet the leaders changing the landscape of Charleston, SC with host Matt Chapdelaine from Laine Commercial Real Estate.  In this episode, we meet Jason Rochon & Jonathan Peavey from Beacon Bank.  Beacon Bank is a bank who in their own way is charging forward to build their own story - while their product (cash) is also the fuel that allows others to build their story.   Beacon Bank was founded by those in the Charleston community to support those in the Charleston community.  In this edition of Building Charleston hear why Beacon was formed, learn what industries are growing here in the lowcountry, and hear what Jason and Jonathan's vision is for the future of Charleston, SC.  If you like this episode and want to hear more - please like our podcast and subscribe to the Building Charleston Podcast.  For more information on today's guests, please check out the following links: Our Sponsor: Popped Popcorn - 123POPPED@gm