Inside Lenz Network

Shattered Lives: The Aftermath of a Parole Hearing



The host of Shattered Lives, Donna Gore, discusses her experiences preparing for, and attending the most recent parole hearing of the man who murdered her father 37 years ago. She and her family believed that he would be behind bars for the rest of his life and not eligible for parole, that was not the case. Donna recounts an overview of her father's murder, along with each step she was forced to take to prepare for this parole hearing, not only from the aspect of being a surviving family member, but also how to find easy access due to her disability.  She offers easy solutions to many of the obstacles she was able to overcome by her tenacity and ability to get things done. Donna also stresses the importance of the Victim Impact Statement and how it should be used in the initial sentencing as well as during a parole hearing. For more information, refer to her website: