Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

3 Questions to Find Your Purpose with Annette Sharpe



My guest is Annette Sharpe. Annette is a longtime entrepreneur. She is a business strategist, a culture builder, and a sacred gifts guide. We're going to be talking about what a sacred gift is here. But she helps people to identify what their sacred gifts are. Then she helps them apply that knowledge so they can feel more on purpose in their lives. She's been doing it for years. She's obviously having an impact on a whole lot of people including Rock Thomas. I wanted to dive in, find out more what these sacred gifts are, see how we could use them to apply them to dreaming bigger, thinking better and doing more of what we were put on the planet to do. So, let's get to this. Annette, welcome to DREAM THINK DO. Listen To The Podcast: RESOURCES: Your Sacred Gifts Twitter: @annettegfs TRANSCRIPT:  Annette Sharpe: Hey, Mitch, thank you for having me. I'm so excited to be here today. Mitch Matthews: Absolutely. I'm so excited to get to finally hit record and do this conversation with you. But I know people we