Relentless Minds

Success Without Fulfillment is the Ultimate Failure- With Christopher Dedeyan



Christopher is an inspiring individual who has had an impressive level of self-awareness from a young age and has accomplished many things in life despite the early diagnosis he received of having dyslexia. Although a widely considered "handicap", Christopher used the lessons he learned while dealing with and managing his dyslexia as a child to shape his relentless mindset and successfully accomplish careers as a firefighter, real estate broker and now speaker and coach. He shares his story of how he was able to step into a career that he felt at a time he could never do, speaking and coaching, and the key elements he teaches others to help them also get out of their own way. Get In Touch! - Christopher Dedeyan@christopherdedeyanChristopherdedeyan.comFind him also on FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube!