Bio Alchemy: The Daily Biohacking Podcast

The Ethics Of Meat: Animal Products In A Biohacking Diet, Health Concerns, And Why Veganism Doesn't Equal Innocence — #074



Meat: should we eat it? I do eat meat. And while I'm lucky enough to be in the position to afford the absolute best quality animal products from creatures that have lived natural, healthy, stress-free lives, that doesn't mean I haven't questioned my desires to take myself out of the chain of death, regardless of how long killing animals has been a part of human existence. I've been asked  the question many times about my consumption of meat for both ethical and health reasons, but it's the ethics part that's playing the biggest role in this episode. In advance, this episode of the podcast isn't like any other that's come before, as it's not necessarily only about biohacking your health when it comes to food. And while diet obviously plays a big part in human health, the simple fact is that this is also getting muddied by the fact that there are now ethical concerns when it comes to the consumption of eating animals. And not only just killing animals for food that have lived natural lives, but the fact that ma